Friday, November 4, 2011

wow it's been awhile

It sure has been awhile since I've blogged. We couldn't be busier. Alora is my swimmer. She swims 4 days an week and is doing amazingly well. There's talk of her competing! Mason is our gymnast. He's currently on the pre-team and goes 2 times a week. He's making such progress. He's also doing full day kindergarten and is making huge strides with his anxiety. And then there is our wild card Griffin. He's such a little spit fire. He's currently doing gymnastics but doesn't really seem all that interested in it. As for Ryan and I. Ryan's still working at at&t. He's put school on the back burner for now. I am just staying as busy as can be with the kids and their schedules.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Well this is my first entry about the McCarroll kids. I'm exhausted from another sleepless teething night. Griffin did make it past midnight which was my mini goal LOL But he woke at 2. He then woke at 5 and has been up since then. *yawn*

Alora is doing a project in the dining room and Mason is trying to join her. Of course that's not going too well.

I am excited to complete my Ikea project and get my dining room back in order. Just have to figure out whether mother in law wants the dresser back and then I can get it out of my house.

I hope to get a nap later, but I'm sure that will not be likely